Beach reading season 2024 officially begins!

Beach reads / Kimberly Sullivan

I had a lovely mid-week day off last week and decided to take a hop down to seaside Sperlonga. I love visiting this pretty beach town. Heck, much of my first novel, Three Coins, was set here. In that novel, three women meet and become unlikely friends when they are all in Sperlonga off-season. Some…

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Beach reading 2020

As everyone in the world has certainly realized during the first months of 2020, this is not a normal year … Usually I scramble for a free Saturday or Sunday in March to hit the beach, and to enjoy the annual tradition of cracking open a paperback while I breathe in the fresh, sea air…

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Beach reading season 2019 officially begins…

Last weekend was the first weekend of spring. The sun was shining. The temperatures were rising. And a trip to the beach was far too tempting… My younger son and I took off to one of our favorite beach hangouts south of Rome – the beautiful, medieval beach town of Sperlonga. And …. it was…

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More beach reading

I’ve already written about my first beach visit-beach reading session of this spring, back in April after my younger son’s running race on the seaside near Rome. But somehow, it never seems ‘official’ to me until I visit the seaside town of Sperlonga, south of Rome. Finally, last weekend I managed to get there for…

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It’s here! Beach reading season 2018

I always love this time of year. The spring sunshine blesses us, and it’s time to start heading out to the beach once again with a  good novel tucked in the beach bag. Earlier this week my younger son had a track meet in Ostia, the small city west of Rome and on the sea.…

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Beach reading season 2017 officially begins (for me…)

It’s that wonderful ‘event’ that rolls around each year – the official start of beach reading season! For me, it often happens around the Easter holidays, when the weather in Rome starts turning almost summer-like. I often take my kids to one of our favorite beach spots near Rome – the wonderful town of Sperlonga.…

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Let beach reading season 2016 officially begin…

Over the Easter weekend, I spent a great day in the Italian beach town of Sperlonga. The March day was spectacular, and my children and I had a fabulous time wandering the beach town we’ve visited many times before. We also had fun walking along the wide beach – always beautiful, but even better without the…

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Happy as a clam reading on the white sand

Okay, this is completely unfair, but I write this post pre-holiday knowing it will be posted as I return home, happy, relaxed and well-read on gorgeous white sands looking like this. I love the beach, but I generally don’t do the lazy, beach resort kind of holiday. But this year, I really felt I needed…

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