Book Review: Fall of Poppies

This series of short stories set during World War I, Fall of Poppies: Stories of Love and the Great War was bound to be right up my alley. I love short stories and I love historical fiction, and I have a particular weakness for stories set during this time period, an era of marked upheaval as…

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Coca Cola, chocolate bar … and a short story?

Viva la France! If we hadn’t reach that conclusion alone in these weeks after the events of Paris last month, we would have arrived there by the admirable appreciation of culture and literature in that country. France – and specifically the pretty, southeastern mountain city of Grenoble – is the first city ever to offer…

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Last chance to submit for the Writers Abroad anthology

I’ve already posted about the call for submissions for expat writers or former expat writers. The Writers Abroad anthology, Kaleidoscope, is accepting works of short fiction, flash fiction and poetry. But the deadline is looming for submissions. You have until Monday, 15 June to submit your work. So writers, get polishing work you’ve already done, or…

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London’s calling … all lovers of short stories

There are many reasons to visit the cosmopolitan city of London. But for lovers of short stories, 18-21 June 2015  is an ideal time to make it there, since these are the dates for the London Short Story Festival. There will be lots of the big names in short stories attending, speaking about their craft…

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My short story, Gender Equality, is now online

I’m pleased to announce that my short story, Gender Equality, has been included in the latest edition of Digital Papercut and is now available online. In my story, Francesca has left her native Naples to work in an international organization in Brussels. Recently promoted to a director position, Francesca feels the pressure of espousing progressive…

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My short story, Abandoned Towers, is now online

I’m pleased to announce that my short story, Abandoned Towers, is now available at Digital Papercut Literary Journal. If you’d like to read the story online, click here. My story tells the story of a difficult homecoming. Serena fled her small town in Abruzzo years ago, and has carved out a life for herself as a…

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My stories will be published in Digital Papercut

I heard the nice news that two of my short stories have been accepted for publication in the online literary journal Digital Papercut. I have been putting together a series of short  stories of Italian women and expatriate women living in Italy, which I would eventually like to compile in a  collection. In the meantime,…

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