My little (growing) stack of writing

Kimberly Sullivan novels/ Kimberly Sullivan

I began my publishing journey just a little over three years ago. After many years of scribbling, and publishing short stories in journals and anthologies, I decided I wanted to start publishing as an indie author. Just over three years later, with five novels, one short story collection and one historical fiction anthology under my…

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Around the (podcast) world in 80 days…

If you’re like me, you may grumble somewhat about many aspects of our modern world. Sometimes, I just want peace and quiet and can’t keep up with emails, Whatsapp messages, people Teaming or Skyping me when I’m in a Zoom meeting. You know the drill… But other times, I’m completely enamored by the wonders of…

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Shiny new badge for my In the Shadow of The Apennines

In The Shadow of The Apennines medal

Excited for my newest, pretty badge for my latest novel, In The Shadow of The Apennines. It’s been five months since my novel was released – but pleased to still be gathering reviews and comments from readers. Thanks so much for reading! If you read and enjoyed my novel – please, please do leave a…

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Marking Armistice Day through WWI literature

Today is Armistice Day. The day in which the end of WWI fighting was declared at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918. I am fascinated by WWI stories. I love the era and the way society was changing at the outset of the twentieth century. In order to…

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