Cooling off in Rome’s Piscina delle rose

Anyone who knows Rome, knows that Rome is hot in summertime.

And this summer was no exception.

To cool off this summer, my younger son and I were often spending Sundays ar Rome’s outdoor public pool, Piscina delle rose.

Piscina delle rose, Rome/ Kimberly Sullivan

This pool was built in 1960 – the year in which Rome hosted the summer Olympics. It is located in Rome’s EUR district, which isn’t central, but is conveniently located on the metro line.

The downside is that this public pool is  overpriced, but when the temperatures hover around 100 degrees, it always looks like a pretty good investment.

My son and I enjoyed swimming laps in this Olympic-sized pool and dipping into its waters every time we got too hot.

Cooling off in Rome’s Piscina delle rose became our favorite strategy for beating the Roman summer heat on weekends. See you poolside!

Dark Blue Waves, Kimberly Sullivan

Even my novel likes hanging out at this Roman pool!

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