A city for readers – Salzburg

Reading - Salzburg, AustriaHeaven, I’m in heaven, and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak…

That’s how I felt one early morning in August as I stumbled upon Salzburg’s Mozartplatz, just as they were setting up the square for avid readers.

The beautiful square, with its stunning views up to the castle and watched over by Salzburg’s most famous son, Mozart, was stocked with bookshelves filled with books for all readers: young and old, lovers of children’s classics, mystery, thrillers, literary fiction and romance.

Reading - Salzburg, AustriaThe square was filled with colorful and inviting beanbags, comfortable hammocks, and even a gondola in which readers could sit, and the women manning this impressive set-up invited visitors to sit down and relax, to grab a book and enjoy the sunny day.

How much more civilized can a city get? : )

And how can we all sign up for this great initiative in our own cities?

Reading - Salzburg, AustriaIn an era where we see far more people texting on their phones than cracking open books, it’s a much-needed invitation to relax and enjoy getting lost in the pages of a good book.

I, for one, never wanted to leave Salzburg.

Readers, have you ever had fabulous initiatives like this in your own cities?

Happy reading to all!


  1. evelyneholingue on September 11, 2015 at 9:04 pm

    Unfortunately too few initiatives as cool as the one in Salzburg! The best thing is probably the opening of the Free Little Libraries, lovely boxes set up in neighorhoods, near train stations, for example, filled with books that people can borrow and return when finished reading. Some are exquisite but there aren’t everyhwere through the states. In France I saw a couple of beach libraries. I agree that all efforts to take people away from their phones once in a while must be encouraged. Great post, Kimberley.

    • kimberlysullivan on September 16, 2015 at 9:37 pm

      Love the idea of beach libraries. Haven’t seen them yet. Wish this idea would catch on in all European cities.

      • evelyneholingue on September 17, 2015 at 4:09 pm

        Oh I thought of you in Philadelphia! There is a park on the river with tons of hammocks . It looked like people were using them more to relax and drink a glass of wine or cuddle with a kid or a lover more than to read, but still I thought it was cool and similar to what you wrote about in Salzburg. 😊

  2. Ishita on September 12, 2015 at 5:08 pm

    Sadly no. I wonder why there are such few libraries and bookshops anymore. I really wish to head to Salzburg now. Maybe next time Im in Italy I will go there. Its easier from the north I think.

    • kimberlysullivan on September 16, 2015 at 9:38 pm

      Agree with you – libraries and bookshops are disappearing far too quickly. I’m sure you’d love Salzburg. It’s a really beautiful city.

  3. Ishita on October 1, 2015 at 7:25 am

    I hope to visit someday soon. Is it very expensive? Heard so.

  4. […] already written about the nice initiative I saw this summer in Salzburg, Austria, inviting people to get off their phone and t… in the center of the city. This seems another invitation to rethink our habits and get people […]

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