Congratulations to Ali Smith – Bailey’s Prize 2015 winner

Ali Smith, How to Be BothCongratulations to Ali Smith! Her novel How to Be Both was named as this year’s winner of the Bailey’s Prize.

I’m always pleased to celebrate the Bailey’s Women’s Prize for Fiction (formerly the Orange Prize).

I’ve already posted the 2015 short list on my site, and I don’t envy the judges for what must have been a difficult decision. I look forward to reading this year’s winner.

From the short list, I’ve only read Rachel Cusk’s excellent Outline, but Anne Tyler’s A Spool of Blue Thread and Sarah Waters’ The Paying Guests are on my summer reading list.

I enjoyed the Writes of Women’s enjoyable posts on their Shadow Bailey’s Prize judging – where Ali Smith’s How to Be Both also came out on top. Next year, let’s see if they manage two in a row.

However you look at it, this award focuses (much-needed) attention on all the talented women authors out there.

Congratulations to Ali Smith and all the authors of the short-listed books this year. You’ve provided us with a  wonderful summer reading list!


  1. evelyneholingue on June 9, 2015 at 3:57 am

    Great suggestions for my summer since I finished #3 of the Neopolitan Novels and will have to wait for #4!

    • kimberlysullivan on June 9, 2015 at 9:42 pm

      Ah, number 4 isn’t translated yet? Why not try in the original Italian? Close enough to your own language … : ) How are you enjoying them?

      • evelyneholingue on June 10, 2015 at 12:42 am

        I absolutely love this series! It’s described as a friendship between two women and it is true, but it is also a unique portrait of Italy from the after WWII to nowadays. Naples in these books is a character. Since I love settings it is a real treat for me. I think throat the last one will be put in the fall here. I should learn how to speak Italian, you are right. It is one of my favorite languages, when I hear people speaking it. 😊

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