Around the (podcast) world in 80 days…

If you’re like me, you may grumble somewhat about many aspects of our modern world. Sometimes, I just want peace and quiet and can’t keep up with emails, Whatsapp messages, people Teaming or Skyping me when I’m in a Zoom meeting. You know the drill… But other times, I’m completely enamored by the wonders of…

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Trying to practice monogamy … in my writing!

Three Coins / Kimberly Sullivan

Had you there, didn’t I? But I’m definitely speaking about writing. I always jump from project to project, so I decided to go ahead and try something new. Actually sticking with one project start to finish without looking around for the new, shiny object – and setting a timeframe for completing it. Although I do…

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Writers – is (your new) book delivery the best delivery?

Three Coins, Kimberly Sullivan

Packages – and especially book packages – are always exciting, but as every author knows, there is one delivery that starts your heart going pitter-pat at record speed. That’s when your own novel delivery arrives in the mail. Sure, you’ve seen the digital proofs. You’ve obsessed over colors, fonts and design. If you’re an indie…

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My novel Three Coins visits its book locations

Three Coins at Trevi Fountain / Kimberly Sullivan

My debut novel, Three Coins, was released in October 2021. It is the contemporary story of three expatriate American women living in Rome, who, having faced daunting challenges, retreat to the seaside town of Sperlonga to regroup and come back stronger. But Sperlonga is a pretty deserted place in November, and the women are quickly…

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