Watching over Ancona’s port each morning

Ancona port/ Kimberly Sullivan

These past years, I’ve gotten to know the Marche’s region’s capital of Ancona. I came here regularly because the small city hosts an indoor track, and my sprinter son would compete here. Whenever we would stay, I would book my favorite hotel, with its views over the Ancona port. Ports are interesting places, and it’s…

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Lonely tourists in the Marche’s Ancona

Ancoma, Marche, Italy/ Kimberly Sullivan

I’ve already written about weekend trips we made to Ancona, in Italy’s Marche region, for my son’s indoor track season. Previously I wrote posts about the city’s bustling port, its Duomo perched at a panoramic point and its indoor track. Since we were here in semi-lockdown state, we wandered this strangely deserted city, almost entirely…

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A seagull’s-eye view over Ancona’s port

For runners, Italy’s Marche region is a well-known winter destination for indoor track. I’ve already written about Ancona’s Palindoor track. On a recent trip for a race with my son, we enjoyed the “front row” view of the busy Adriatic Sea Ancona port, pleased to see such steady traffic even in COVID times. Ancona has…

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