Belated Book Blogger Hop: favorite move adaptations
Okay, so I am always behind the times. Ramblings of a Coffee-Addicted Writer posts a weekly Book Blogger Hop challenge. This comes in the form of a weekly book-related question bloggers are invited to answer in their own blog posts. I admit I’m often late to the party – but I do arrive eventually, and…
Read MoreHanging out at Ohio’s Buckeye Lake
Last summer, my older son and I took a midwestern driving trip. I already wrote an earlier post about some of the stops we made along the way. It was a scorching hot day when we drove from Wheeling, West Virginia to Columbus, Ohio. Buckeye Lake was just along the road, so we decided to…
Read MoreBook review: Love Stories for Hectic People
I have written past posts about Australian-author-transplanted-to-Italy Catherine McNamara’s fiction, whether it be her debut novel, her short story collection, Pelt or her Rome reading from her latest short story collection, The Cartography of Others. So I was thrilled when I learned that she’d branched out into flash fiction, and that her latest collection of…
Read MoreHappy New Year!
I don’t know about you, but I no longer know how the years fly by so quickly. But race by they do, and here we are in 2019. Here’s hoping your first days of the new year are starting off right, and to all you readers and writers out here – wishing you a spectacular…
Read MoreHello World
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc maximus, nulla ut commodo sagittis, sapien dui mattis dui, non pulvinar lorem felis nec erat. Aliquam egestas, velit at condimentum placerat, sem sapien laoreet mauris, dictum porttitor lacus est nec enim. Vivamus feugiat elit lorem, eu porttitor ante ultrices id. Phasellus suscipit tellus ante, nec dignissim…
Read MoreIl rientro…la rentrée
September is well underway, and even if the weather is still beautiful in my part of the world, those crisp evenings provide us with a hint of what’s to come. Summer is almost over. The kids are back to school, and we’re back to work. Holidays are fading into pleasant, but distant memories. This is…
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