Mozart in Venice…

Mozart in Venice / Kimberly Sullivan

I was in Venice this past February, during Carnival. As always when in Venice, the best part of the visit is to wander the winding streets around La Serenissima and to climb the countless bridges over picturesque canals. It was on one of these mapless wanderings on this last visit that we bumped into this…

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My next novel underway…

Todi, Umbria, Italy / Kimberly Sullivan

I’m so excited to be one step closer to publishing my next novel, which I plan to release this fall. I just received feedback from (wonderful) beta readers and prepared my manuscript to send to my editor. When she returns with those edits, I’ll take another crack at it before getting it to my proofreader,…

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Prague’s Clam-Gallas Palace

Clam-Gallas Palace. Prague / Kimberly Sullivan

When I was last in Prague last spring, I was surprised to see that Prague’s Clam-Gallas Palace was open to the public for visits. Sadly, in the days I was there, it was undergoing some renovations and  was not open to visitors. So when I returned this year, I made a point of going to…

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My March 2024 reads

March 2024 reads

Another month accompanied by another great stack of books. My stack was – ahem – a little slimmer this month because I had to read my own work. I’m revising my next novel before it goes to my editor, to be released this autumn. As any writer will tell you, reading novels by other authors…

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Stunning Scuola Grande di San Rocco in Venice

Scuola Grande do San Rocco, Venice / Kimberly Sullivan

On my last visit to Venice last month, I returned to a magical place – the Scuola Grande di San Rocco. This was founded in 1458, as part of the networks of “Scuole” that existed in the Venice of the time. To grace the grand halls of this space, Venetian painter Tintoretto was commissioned to…

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A shout-out to Czech literature

Prague bookstore / Kimberly Sullivan

Whenever I live in a country, I enjoy learning more about its culture by doing a deep dive into its literature. This was also the case when I lived in Prague, Czech Republic many years ago. The Czechs have a lot of great literature, and I was happy to explore all of it: Vaclav Havel,…

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The gnomes of Wroclaw, Poland

Wroclaw, Poland / Kimberly Sullivan

This past weekend I visited the town of Wroclaw, in southern Poland, for the first time. I’ve always been curious to visit this pretty town, and my husband and I were staying in Prague and I convinced him to take the bus up for a daytrip … a four-hour bus trip departing at 6 am.…

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New book awards for Rome’s Last Noble Palace!

Reader Views Award - Rome's Last Noble Palace

Super excited to have new book award news for my newest novel, Rome’s Last Noble Palace. I just learned that my novel received the Reader Views Award 2023 -2024, Silver Award- Historical Fiction. I don’t write for awards, but that certainly doesn’t mean I don’t feel excited to receive them! I so enjoyed writing this…

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Todi’s beautiful Palazzo del Popolo

Todi Piazza del Popolo, Umbria, Italy / Kimberly Sullivan

Todi is a picturesque medieval hilltown in Umbria – and its central square, Pizza del Popolo, is wonderfully picturesque. It’s a great place to sit and watch life pass you by. I was here recently on a lovely autumn day, and, when I got tired of walking up and down the steep hills, I enjoyed…

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My February 2024 reads

February 2024 Reads

Another month, another great stack of books. I started off the month in Britain, with two psychological thrillers. First I followed the lives of a financially struggling heart recipient and the wealthy family whose daughter’s death provide the needed heart. As the heart recipient and donor’s family grow closer, the twists and turns go hard…

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