Knowing your local library

You all know the famous words about libraries from Albert Einstein. And if you don’t, you should:

“The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.”

-Albert Einstein

When I travel back to New York, I’m always lugging books over with me. Then, of course, having so many English books available, I am buying a ton more, reading them and then transporting those recently read books across the ocean.

This time, I decided I still will be transporting newly purchased (yet still unread) books back with me, but borrowing the books I’ll be reading during my holidays from the local library.

While – ahem – this would never hold water when it comes to physics, at least I can claim a meeting of the minds between Albert E. and me when it comes to our thinking on libraries. Happy August reading to all!



  1. evelyneholingue on August 6, 2018 at 11:05 pm

    The library fan can only agree with you! Happy reading to you!

    • kimberlysullivan on August 7, 2018 at 12:47 am

      Thanks, Evelyne! I’ve already checked out my reading for the month. Love vacation. Guess you’ll be enjoying this soon in Maine!

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