I need to write!

Pen writingEvery year I set writing New Year’s Resolution writing goals for myself, and this year I’ve apparently been a very, very, very bad resolution-keeper.

It’s not that I don’t write lots. I do. But it’s for my day job.

What I’ve always been good about is carving out a bit of free time evenings and weekends for creative writing. This year, it simply hasn’t worked out that way as demands at work have become all-consuming  slipped into those precious evenings and weekends.

This weekend I am finally managing an escape to our place out in the mountains. There I love taking long walks, riding on mountain bike trails with my kids, and WRITING!

Let’s hope the mountains inspire me – as they usually do – because I need to get back into the rhythm of getting those words on paper.

What about you, writers? Do you go through slump periods when you’re not very productive? When this happens, how do you revive your old writing habits?


  1. ProfeJMarie (Janet Rundquist) on June 16, 2017 at 3:03 pm

    I work in education, so writing slumps usually occur in September and end of May/beginning of June. This year, I tried really hard to keep some momentum by prioritizing just a few minutes daily to writing knowing that even a couple of hundred (maybe) words each day was enough. I started out pretty well…. but then, well, you know. The busiest time is over now, so back into the words I go. Hopefully it won’t take long to get into the swing of it again.

  2. evelyneholingue on June 16, 2017 at 4:21 pm

    It is hard to write with a full time demanding job where you write! But even with more time there are periods where I feel stagnant. I am in fact ending this period of almost two years where I wrote but wasn’t going anywhere. I am submitting again (several manuscripts from very young kids to teens). During that time I still wrote blog posts. Different from fiction but it helped me with the discipline, though.
    Your mountain place seems enchanting and I wish you the best up there.

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