5000-year-old modernity at the Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens

Cycladic art, Athens, GreeceIt was a rainy Monday morning in Athens on a recent visit there, and my family and I decided it would be a good time to dry off and explore a museum a Greek colleague had suggested to me – The Museum of Cycladic Art.

The museum is located in the upscale residential neighborhood of Kolonaki, in central-northern Athens. The museum is open daily, except for Tuesdays.

The museum opened in 1986, and it houses the most extensive collection of Cycladic art in the world. The figurines on display date back to the third millennium BC.

Cycladic Art Museum, Athens, GreeceThese marble sculptures originating from the Cycladic islands are so different from the more traditional Classical greek sculpture. the simple, elongated, stylized forms look almost modern, even if many were created 5000 years ago.

It’s not surprising that Cycladic sculptures inspired artists such as Pablo Picasso and Modigliani.

Cycladic art, Athens, GreeceYou’ll see the influence immediately when you admire these beautiful figurines.

The explanations are in Greek and English, and there are also permanent displays on Cypriot art, and life and culture in Ancient Greece.

Be sure to stop off to admire Cycladic art at this wonderful museum when you’re next in Athens.

And if you want more Athens tips, take a look at my earlier post – A room with a view … of the Acropolis.

2015_January_Cycladic4Cycladic art, Athens, Greece


  1. […] For more Athens tips, see my earlier posts on a room with a view and my suggestions for a visit to Athens’ Cycladic Museum. […]

  2. […] For more Athens tips, see my earlier posts on views over the Acropolis, sunset in Athens and the Cycladic Art Museum. […]

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