Seven essential elements of a bestselling novel

The ever-helpful Writer’s Digest fuels the imagination of aspiring authors with their handy checklist: Seven essential elements of a bestselling novel. Some – like readability and reasons to care – are obvious. Others, like seeking out controversy are interesting suggestions. The example provided uses as an example Scarlett O’Hara of Gone with the Wind. By any…

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How do you know when to give up on a project?

This question was posed in a post over at the fabulous Nathan Bransford blog. Bransford was asking readers when they decide it’s time to lay a current project to rest. It’s an interesting question for writers. After all the effort- and blood, sweat, and tears-writers put into their work, is there a moment when you…

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The Seven Deadly Sins of Writing

As a Europhile and an admirer of medieval churches, I’m always drawn to the fire and brimstone depictions of the seven deadly sins. I’ve been dragging my kids around with me since they were old enough to toddle across ancient floors, pointing out these fascinating frescoes that would explain to the poor parishioners of old…

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Important lessons from first-time novelists

The excellent Writers’ Digest web site posted this interesting article on lessons learned by first-time novelists. Five novelists share their experiences along the pathway to publication – discussing their writing lives before their first novel, their submission processes, their experiences with writers conferences, balancing writing and work/family commitments, and what they’d wished they’d known before…

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The new Women’s Fiction Writers Association

I wrote a post about this new association when it was still an informal Yahoo mail loop. But about a month ago, the group became an official association and I just paid my annual dues and became an ‘official’ member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association a few weeks ago. See their web site here.…

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Wrap-up of Matera Women’s Fiction Festival 2013

I am just back from my fabulous annual pilgrimage to the Matera Women’s Fiction Festival. This is my third year participating in this inspiring event. Once again, I’ve learned a tremendous amount about publishing from the experts, had a great time at live pitching sessions to agents and publishers, met a wonderful group of interesting…

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How do you find a literary agent?

Literary agent Rachelle Gardner recently posted on a topic near and dear to the hearts of many aspiring writers. Since I am just beginning the querying game, I have an eagle eye for advice such as this. Take a look at her excellent advice on how to find a literary agents. Plot spoiler: apparently there is…

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Ten rules for writing fiction… from authors who know

This fantastic Guardian article came out two years ago and I read it then and loved it. Recently, I took another look at it and wanted to link it from my blog. After all, what aspiring writer can resist writing advice from the likes of Margaret Atwood (and her brilliant words of wisdom for writing…

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Advice from a debut author

In Rome, where I live, I’m lucky enough to belong to an amazing writing group. We meet every two weeks to read our work and receive critiques. At a recent meeting, we were fortunate to have as our guest Jessica Maria Tuccelli, debut author of Glow, a family saga  set between Washington, D.C. and the…

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