Around the (podcast) world in 80 days…

If you’re like me, you may grumble somewhat about many aspects of our modern world. Sometimes, I just want peace and quiet and can’t keep up with emails, Whatsapp messages, people Teaming or Skyping me when I’m in a Zoom meeting. You know the drill… But other times, I’m completely enamored by the wonders of…

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New editorial review for Drink Wine and Be Beautiful

Drink Wine and Be Beautiful cover

This week I received a lovely editorial review from The Feathered Quill reviews of my forthcoming short story collection, Drink Wine and Be Beautiful. Appreciated this thoughtful reading of my stories, and I am posting the full review below. To those of you on Net Galley who do love women’s fiction and short stories, please…

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My very first shiny badge for Drink Wine and Be Beautiful

Readers' Favorite Review badge

I am so excited to have my first short story collection, Drink Wine and Be Beautiful, releasing 26 May. To prepare for that release, I currently have my collection up on NetGalley (if you are on NetGalley, please consider requesting!), awaiting reader reviews, and I also have it out for editorial reviews. Pleased to have…

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Drink Wine and Be Beautiful now on NetGalley!

Drink Wine and Be Beautiful visual NetGalley

I am ALWAYS super excited to get my work up on NetGalley – my fourth so far! But, I have to admit, I’m especially proud of my latest. I adore short stories, and for so long I have wanted to publish a short story collection. I am so, so pleased to have finally taken the…

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