New Indies Today Recommended review for Drink Wine and Be Beautiful
Pleased to have received another editorial review, and especially a five-star recommended review, from Indies Today for my forthcoming short story collection.
Drink Wine and Be Beautiful releases 26 May, and is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Barnes & Noble and Kobo will follow soon.
As an indie author, I’m always grateful for editorial and reader reviews – but it’s especially nice to have reviewers who truly enjoy my stories.
You can read the full review here:
A hapless college grad from Pittsburgh finds herself in over her head when she follows her childhood dream and moves to Rome. A small-town girl and a man who thrives on precision take a romantic holiday to soothe their failing marriage, changing the dynamics of their relationship. A wife tormented by years of abuse finally summons the courage to take action, but at a cost. A destructive earthquake uncovers a secret too painful to stay hidden. These and other plausible scenarios coalesce into the dynamic collection, Drink Wine and Be Beautiful.
Although their journeys consistently summon these central figures to Italy and its environs, the stories focus on a wide range of women in distinctly different circumstances and stages of life. The quick-moving scenes exude life, love, conflict and resolution, conveyed with thoughtfulness and the utmost sense of composure. Each emotive story hones in on the frustrations and challenges women contend with and how these burdens follow them regardless of whether they are breaking free of Midwestern roots or exploring the sun-drenched Mediterranean. From discovering one’s dormant inner voice to getting a second chance on a missed opportunity, relatable women handle life’s ups and downs with agility and perception.
A bustling, contemporary collection of vibrant fiction that focuses on sensible women enjoying a sampling of what Italy has to offer, Drink Wine and Be Beautiful is a must-read for everyone who admires resilient heroines or anything Italian. Affecting foreign words and phrases are woven into the prose, easing readers into an increasingly exotic journey with each emotionally gripping account. Caressing the pages with an authentic Mediterranean feel are heady servings of espresso, uneven cobblestone streets, gorgeous mountainside vistas and glimpses into an enduring culture, helping immerse audiences into each unique location. A truly European treat, this collection feels like a vacation that can be enjoyed whenever the mood strikes.
If there were a single overriding theme connecting all these moving stories, it would unquestionably be strength of character. Historic Italy serves as the classy anchor for many of the tales, creating settings that amplify the emotions gleaned from the bonds of family, friendship, and romance. Some stories harbor violent twists and torrid affairs, but the author never delves too deeply into the gritty or sensational. Rather, the temperament of the book remains graceful and light, relying on efficient character development and nimble storytelling. A reliable benchmark for how to harness a woman’s strength and full potential, Drink Wine and Be Beautiful is a heartfelt and invigorating collection that will have you proclaiming: Questo libro è bellissimo!