Malaga’s Ancient Roman Theatre

Malaga Roman Theatre / Kimberly Sullivan

It’s always pleasant to travel around and find traces of “my” city of Rome. This happened again on my visit to Malaga, Spain, where I visited the Ancient Roman theatre. The Roman theatre is (dramatically) located below the Alcazaba hill and Moorish fortress. It was originally built during the reign of Emperor Augustus, and was…

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Cagliari’s Ancient Roman Theatre

Cagliari Ancient Roman Theatre, Italy / Kimberly Sullivan

I’ve been writing posts about my recent visit to Cagliari, the capital of the Italian island of Sardegna. There were lots of interesting places to visit in this city, including the ruins of an Ancient Roman amphitheater. This can be found between the neighborhoods of Castello and Stampace. We walked out here on a particularly…

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Visiting the world’s oldest republic: San Marino

For those who (like me) love Italy, you may be aware that, within its borders, Italy contains two independent countries. One – the Holy See or Vatican – requires little introduction. The second might be less known. San Marino, or, by its romantic sounding full Italian name Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino, is just under…

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Barbarians (and kids) at the gate

San Giovanni, Rome, Italy/ Kimberly Sullivan

The Aurelian Walls of Ancient Rome are still in remarkably good condition in today’s Rome. It isn’t called the Eternal City for nothing. Built between 270- 275 AD under Emperor Aurelius, the Aurelian Walls eventually reached 19 kilometers of defensive walls guarded by Roman soldiers who were vigilalant in ensuring the Barbarians were not capable…

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Sperlonga’s Truglia Tower

Italy’s coastline is dotted by picturesque watchtowers. These have a long history – and were generally constructed to thwart off Ottoman or Saracen invasions. Luckily, today they are merely photogenic spots. One such tower is in the town of Sperlonga – a pretty, medieval beach town south of Rome, on Lazio’s southern coast. I’ve already…

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Relaxing in Viterbo’s Terme dei Papi, Italy

The thermal waters found north of Rome, at the Terme dei Papi (The Thermal Baths of the Popes) were famous well before Papal times. These thermal waters were well known to the Etruscans, well before the birth of Rome. In the 3rd Century B.C., the Roman army, led by Console Quinto Fabio Rulliano, conquered and…

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Stretching my legs with a passeggiata in Sora, Italy

I’ve long been curious to visit the town of Sora, in Italy’s Lazio region and located in the province of Frosinone – just along the border with Abruzzo. Since it’s a little off the beaten trail from the surrounding areas I visit more often (including the wonderful Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo), I’ve never managed to get…

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