Thirteen hours in Dublin

Earlier this month, I was traveling to Exeter, and my flight had a stop-over in Dublin.

Since I always enjoy returning to Ireland’s capital, I was happy to have one night in Dublin, before returning to the airport for an early morning flight.

Dublin, Ireland / Kimberly Sullivan

Since I had so little time, I decided to stay centrally, and had a nice hotel close to the Temple Bar, and alongside the River Liffey.

There are great connections from the airport, so I could take a bus that stopped close to my hotel – and I bought round-trip tickets to be ready to go early the next morning.

Dublin, Ireland / Kimberly Sullivan

I liked the hotel and the central position for wandering. The days were still long, and I was able to enjoy some hours of daylight before the sun went down. I wasnt tehn only one – the city was filled with tourists, but it was pleasant to walk around the picturesque center.

And when I grew hungry, I stopped off at one of the (numerous) pubs paying live music and offering good pub food and – of course – Guinness.

Dublin, Ireland / Kimberly Sullivan

Even if I had the best of intentions – to go to bed (fairly) early to rise at the crack of dawn fro my bus back to the Dublin airport, the music was too good and the atmosphere too much fun, and I found myself staying late and nelting out the songs along with the rest of the pub.

A fun evening.

Dublin, Ireland / Kimberly Sullivan

One of the smartest things I did in Dublin (after the pub – live music evening) was to make a trip to a large Aran sweater shop and to buy warm Aran wool sweaters. I had – distractedly – looked at the weather from Rome, where it was still over 100 degrees, and thought I had packed warmer clothes.

I hadn’t.

My purchases were used extensively during my time in Ireland and England, and shoved away not to be seen again until January, the minute I returned to Italy.

Dublin, Ireland / Kimberly Sullivan

Highly recommend Irish Aran sweaters. Stock up when you’re in Dublin.

An absolutely fantastic thirteen hours in Dublin. This was a great stop off on my way to England.

Had fun on my mini-trip to Ireland!

Dublin, Ireland / Kimberly Sullivan



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