A big shout-out to Bookstagrammers and book bloggers supporting my launch
I’m hardly an expert, but this is the third book launch I have under my belt, so at least I’ve gleaned some knowledge about how book promotion is done. And, as I’ve learned, it’s wonderful to leave things to the experts.
So pleased to have my Bookstagrammer launch tour through Kate Rock Book tours. Kate always lines up a stellar group of Bookstagrammers who help launch my novel during those initial weeks, and read and review my novel to help promote my work.
It gives me a great pleasure to see some returning Bookstagrammers, who helped promote my last novel and are coming back for more. That puts a smile on my face – Eternal gratitude!
Thank you to all the Bookstagrammers who have helped me to ensure that In The Shadow of The Apennines reaches potential readers!
In addition to my Bookstagrammer tour. I have a book blogger blitz tour running through Xpresso Tours, expertly run by owner Giselle, who sets up great promotions.
Here I have also been fortunate to have a dedicated team of enthusiastic book bloggers helping me to get word out about my contemporary/historical women’s fiction out to potental readers.
Where would we authors be without book bloggers and Bookstagrammers? For all the authors out there – have you had positive experiences with your book promotion tours?
Thank you for all you do to get our work out to potential readers!