Commemorating WWI soldiers in Abruzzo

On my recent ski escape, I was in Ovindoli, in Italy’s Apennine mountains of the Abruzzo region.

Like most little mountain towns, Ovindoli has a memorial to the soldiers who died both in WWI and WWII. For those who know the region well, most of these towns have much longer lists for the First World War than the second.

Ovindoli, Abruzzo/Kimberly Sullivan

Heart-breakingly, the list of names also reveal that the war led to the demise of many of the young men from individual families.

Not surprisingly, mountain dwellers in Abruzzo were sent as Alpine soldiers to fight on the front with Austria. As students of WWI know well, the casualty rate at that front was devastating, and many young men never returned to their mountain hometowns.

Further affecting the population decline in those towns were the devastating earthquake of neighboring Pescina in 1915 and the massive immigration of young people – and especially young men – following WWI.

The combined effects of WWI soldier casualties, deaths from the earthquake, and mass migration left many of these towns populated by mainly older people, young widows, and young unmarried women and children. Not surprisingly, this had a profound effect on economic growth of this region for decades following that war.

Ovindoli, Abruzzo/Kimberly Sullivan

Above, you can see the new plaque added to the soldier memorial in Ovindoli – marking the Centennial of end of the “Great War” and recognizing the fallen soldiers who never returned. You’ll also note that the end of the war for Italy preceded Armistice Day – since Italy fought along the Austrian front, with the fighting ceasing on 4 November.

Next time you’re in Ovindoli, or any of these small Italian mountain towns, take some time to visit the WWI memorials you’ll find there.


  1. David Janson on December 5, 2022 at 6:29 am

    My Great Grandfather was from Abruzzi. He came to America via San Francisco and settled on the east coast. He was a Dimartino who’s name was shortened to Martin by immigration. He volunteered to serve the US Army in WWI. I have his combat helmet, dog tags and gas mask. Is there a place in Abruzzi that I can donate these items where he will be remembered. There is no one for me to leave it to. No one cares really. But I do. Thank you.

    • laura on September 19, 2024 at 2:48 am

      Hi David – I’m a Dimartino in Australia -trying to conduct research on my grandfather’s family from Guardiagrele in Abruzzo – have you tried reconnecting with other relatives through – I did a dna test which was fabulous and found several cousins in the US and Italy and have pieced together a family history.
      dimartino is a very common name in the region, so you really need the dna results to find out who is who
      All the best

  2. Luigi Natarelli on May 25, 2024 at 6:24 pm

    My Grandfather Luigi Natarelli fought in the First World War as an Alpini

    • Vito Natarelli on August 31, 2024 at 6:27 pm

      Vito Natarelli…
      My grandfather “Brownie” fought in Anzio
      .. are we related?

      I traced my family back to the Abruzzo region

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