Enjoying the ‘Sardine Festival’ in Guethary, France

Sardine Festival, Pays basqueI’ve already written about Guéthary, the Pays basque coastal town where my family and I vacationed last year.

One of the last evenings staying in Guéthary, we stumbled onto a sardine festival being held on a panoramic point along the sea, so we decided to join in.

We had a great time sitting on picnic tables, eating our sardines and our dessert of gateau basque – all accompanied by local wines.

And the best part was the stunning sunset that accompanied our dinner, always wonderfully dramatic along this beautiful coastline (see photos below).

A great way to wrap up our holiday!

Sardine Festival, Pays basque

Sardine Festival, Pays basque


  1. evelyneholingue on April 10, 2018 at 2:28 pm

    Sardines and gâteau basque. Stop it! I LOVE sardines even more than the cake. It’s hard work to eat sardines because of the tiny bones. I can see that on your photo 🙂
    It’s maybe why it’s rare to find them on an American menu. But if I find a Portuguese restaurant, I try it because chances are that sardines are on the menu. Montreal has the best.
    My last one, though, was in Miami, in a small non descript restaurant where I ate the best sardines ever. They had amazing desserts too, although not basque.

    • kimberlysullivan on April 10, 2018 at 10:03 pm

      True, Evelyne. My kids are fish fanatics – even when they were babies they knew how to be careful with bones (although we did have one emergency trip visit to remove one once. The doctors are real experts here). : ) As you know, Americans generally prefer the filets (although I hope that’s changing), so fish like sardines aren’t as popular. Sounds like you need to schedule a visit to Pays basque for the sardine festival! : ) I do miss the gateau basque, too. Yum…

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