Drink too much coffee when you write? Don’t feel bad…

CoffeeFor those writers who may guzzle a bit more coffee than they should during the writing process – don’t be too hard on yourself.

After all, writers often seem to be a strange bunch and this excellent post in the Writers write blog entitled 58 Famous Writers and their addictions is required reading.

From Byron’s obsession with sex to the authors who required alcohol and drug-filled binges in which to harness their creative muse, those extra cups of java that keep you going are looking better and better.

Happy (addiction-free) writing to all!





  1. evelyneholingue on February 25, 2017 at 5:36 am

    Funny! Coffee doesn’t work too well for me when I write. It doesn’t help me to focus as much as tea. Hope all is well for you, Kimberly.

  2. kimberlysullivan on February 27, 2017 at 9:17 am

    Thanks, Evelyne. Just back from a week of skiing, where I got NO writing done, but did love being out in the great outdoors – heaven! I’m often a tea drinker, too, but coffee tends to fuel me more when writing.I know you have a full writing year ahead of you – look forward to hearing about your progress!

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