Hope all you NaNoers have gotten a running start
To all writers out there participating in National novel Writing month (NaNoWriMo), the annual writing marathon, here’s hoping you’ve gotten a great start to your month-long scribbling challenge.
Just like a real marathon, it’s important to pace yourself and to just keep going, even if you don’t feel you’re doing as well as you should. Not thrilled with the pages you’ve written in these days? That’s okay. Silence that inner critic and just keep going, you’ll shine and polish at the editing phase.
In the meantime, it’s important to just keep placing one foot in front of the other, or in the case of Nanoers, consistently getting page after page down on paper or on the computer screen each day.
Three more weeks to go – keep going all you NaNoers!
Thanks, Kimberly, this year’s novel will definitely need that polishing later on. But without a first draft, that’s impossible and that’s what NaNo will get me.
Good for you, Grace. I think turning off that inner editor and just concentrating on the flow of the writing must be an amazing exercise. Thinking of you and hope it’s going well!
Getting there, even if technically I’m not really doing it!
Sure you are, Evelyne. In the end, it’s the commitment to writing this month that counts. Best of luck!