Happy as a clam reading on the white sand
Okay, this is completely unfair, but I write this post pre-holiday knowing it will be posted as I return home, happy, relaxed and well-read on gorgeous white sands looking like this.
I love the beach, but I generally don’t do the lazy, beach resort kind of holiday. But this year, I really felt I needed it.
Swimming, jogging, and lazing along the beach reading novels sounds like just what the doctor ordered just about now.
I’m sure I’ll have to be torn away from here and brought back to real life kicking and screaming, but memories of my beach reading on a beach that looks like this are sure to keep me fueled and happy for some time to come…
Hoping some grains of sand will sneak between the pages of my novel to return home with me.
Cannot help to envy you a little! Happy for you to read that you are enjoying yourself. Sea, sand, and stories go well together.
Thanks, Evelyne! Now that I’m back to ‘real’life, I envy (the last week) me, too. : ) Yes, I adore beach reading, and story daydreaming.