Reason #5388 to love Rome: Sant’Agnese church

I recently returned to visit the beautiful early Christian church of Sant’Agnese, a church I hadn’t been back to in years. Since the Roman metro line has been extended, it’s even easier to get here via the B metro line, where it has its own stop: Sant’Agnese. This 7th century church, designed like a basilica,…

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Reason #5383 to love Rome: San Teodoro neighborhood

San Teodoro an interesting, and very old, neighborhood of Rome, tucked away between the Circo Massimo, Campidoglio and the Ghetto. It’s said to be the area where Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, were said to be suckled by the she-wolf. Today, it’s a quiet neighborhood: only a few cross roads and a few sites…

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Reason #5381 to love Rome: San Teodoro church

This beautiful church gives its name to a Roman neighborhood – San Teodoro, the neighbohood bordering the edge of the Circus Maximus and the Campidoglio. The San Teodoro church can be found on the street by the same name. It’s a Greek Orthodox church, nestled at the foot of the Palatine Hill. The church was…

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Reason #5379 to love Rome: Michelangelo’s Moses

There’s a great expression in Italian, l’imbarazzo della scelta, which translates loosely to such a wide range of choices that it’s almost embarrassing. That’s how I feel about Rome’s artistic treasures. There’s simply so much to see in Rome, and much of the treasure trove is absolutely free to visitors. One such (marvellous) artistic example of…

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Reason #5363 to love Rome: Santa Prassede church

There are so many beautiful churches in Rome, that first-time visitors are often left exhausted and overwhelmed by all they have seen. Still, once you’ve seen the most famous, it’s worth the effort to visit some of the spectacular but less-frequented churches around the Eternal City. One exceptional church tucked away on a side street,…

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