Exploring Florence’s Boboli Gardens

Boboli Gardens, Florence, Italy / Kimberly Sullivan

I have been many times to Florence, but had never been to the Boboli Gardens of the Palazzo Pitti. I visited recently, and after spending almost five hours in the Uffizi, admiring (for the umpteenth time) many of the masterpieces of art, I went out into the beautiful day and decided it was perfect to…

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Reason #5385 to love Rome: The Turtle Fountain

Rome’s Fontana delle tartarughe – the Turtle Fountain – is a beloved landmark in central Rome. Located on Piazza Mattei, in the neighborhood known as the Ghetto (for those of you wondering, this is where the name came from), it was built 1580-1588, during the Renaissance, by the architect/sculptor team of Giacomo della Porta and Taddeo…

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Reason #5379 to love Rome: Michelangelo’s Moses

There’s a great expression in Italian, l’imbarazzo della scelta, which translates loosely to such a wide range of choices that it’s almost embarrassing. That’s how I feel about Rome’s artistic treasures. There’s simply so much to see in Rome, and much of the treasure trove is absolutely free to visitors. One such (marvellous) artistic example of…

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