Brainstorming at the spa 2013

I’m typing this with my tears in my eyes because I’d been hoping to go myself, but March is shaping up to be more hectic than I thought and I won’t be able to get away this year. But for you lucky writers in Europe – or those of you who just need a thinly…

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What I learned at the Matera Women’s Fiction Festival – Part 2

I’ve already mentioned much of what I learned at this year’s Matera Women’s Fiction Festival in Part 1. In that post, I covered issues related to  electronic publishing, the newly-coined term   ‘dicoverability’, and the role of agents today in a quickly-shifting marketplace. But just to prove all my time wasn’t spent wandering the steep…

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What I learned at the Matera Women’s Fiction Festival

In September,  I went for the second time to the annual Matera Women’s Fiction Festival, in the beautiful southern Italian town of Matera. The festival brings together many women –and a few men –  writers of women’s fiction, including mainstream, romance, mystery, fantasy, thrillers, historical and young adult. There are so many changes going on…

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Greetings from the Matera Women’s Fiction Festival

This is an advance post anticipating the fun I’ll be having at the Matera Women’s Fiction Festival when this goes up. The annual festival is underway in the spectacular southern Italian town of Matera. If you haven’t seen my travel post on Matera  and you’re flat out of ideas for your next holiday, be sure…

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Sleep in a cave in Matera, Italy

If you read my blog, you’ll know I’ve raved about the Women’s Fiction Festival held each September in Matera, in Italy’s southern region of Basilicata. But I haven’t actually posted a travel piece about the town, which is well worth a visit. Since I am on my way to the annual conference later this week,…

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I’ve signed up for the Matera Women’s Fiction Festival

Last September, I went to my first-ever writer’s conference and I enjoyed it so much that I’ve signed up for this year’s event. The Ninth Annual International Women’s Fiction Festival will take place in Matera, Italy, 27-30 September 2012. The Fiction Festival is a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere, filled with writing workshops, brainstorming sessions, pitching sessions…

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My story won the 2012 SnoValley Writes! contest

I was very happy to receive the good news that my short story, Caves, won the 2012 SnoValley Writes! writing contest .  This week, the peer writing group located in Snoqualmie Valley, Washington held their annual writing and jazz event and I was invited to attend to read my story to participants. If I weren’t…

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Matera Women’s Fiction Festival

This past September, I signed up for my first writer’s conference. It was the easiest decision to make once I discovered the destination – the beautiful city of Matera, in Italy’s southern region of Basilicata. I had been to Matera over a decade ago, with my Italian husband who looked at me oddly when I…

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