Belated Book Blogger Hop: favorite move adaptations

Book Blogger Hop

Okay, so I am always behind the times. Ramblings of a Coffee-Addicted Writer posts a weekly Book Blogger Hop challenge. This comes in the form of a weekly book-related question bloggers are invited to answer in their own blog posts. I admit I’m often late to the party – but I do arrive eventually, and…

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Jane Austen was autistic?

I was reading an interesting New Yorker article that was reviewing a new book on the history of autism. In the article, they spoke about how much has changed even in recent years about our understanding of autism. There was also a short section on famous artists, musicians and authors we now believe may have…

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19th century meets the 21st century: The Austen Project

I’ve been reading Sense & Sensibility, not the original, but the first volume of ‘The Austen Project‘. The AustenProject teams up contemporary authors with 19th century classics written by one of my favorite authors of all time – Jane Austen. The first novel in the series is written by British bestselling author Joanna Trollope, and…

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30 harshest author-on-author insults

As every author knows, learning to get critiqued and getting used to reading bad reviews is all part of the job description. Developing a thick skin (and a good sense of humor) is probably one of the best things a writer can do for himself or herself. I do believe writers can benefit from constructive…

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Following in Jane Austen’s footsteps in Bath

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that all Jane Austen fans  will eventually find their way to Bath   Yes, embarrassingly enough, I am one of the “Janeites”: a lover of all things Jane Austen who has read and re-read her six novels and watched countless adaptations of her works by the BBC and others.…

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