Paris from Quasimodo’s perspective

Admittedly, it’s an obsession when I travel: I always want to see a city from up high. I love to get the feel for a place, understand the layout and geography. When I understand the blueprint of a city from high above, I start to feel more like a local than a tourist glued to…

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Three A-list towns in Provence: Avignon, Arles, and Aix

Provence’s interior has so many lovely hill towns, and stunning nature, that visitors are forgiven for not wanting to jeopardize a tranquil holiday with the hustle and bustle of larger towns. Yet the following three towns make the A-list of any planned visit to Provence – there’s simply no excuse not to visit Avignon, Arles, and…

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The splendors of Taipei’s National Palace Museum

I’ve already written an overview of tips  from my vacation with my sons in Taipei, Taiwan last summer. One of the places you absolutely cannot miss on your visit to the Taiwanese capital is the impressive National Palace Museum (Guoli Gugong Bowuguan). The museum is considered the world’s greatest repository of Chinese artifacts. The works…

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Bali Hotels you’ll love…

Okay, it’s a cold February day out there, and this is post is a blatant attempt on my side to revisit memories of tropical warmth just a few degrees from the Equator. If I close my eyes, I can feel it working already. Still, if any of you are headed to Bali, Indonesia, or starting…

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Skyscraper Tourism: Taipei 101

I have two little skyscraper fanatics with me when I travel. And, if you twist my arm, I may admit that I’ve always enjoyed skyscraper tourism myself. I was excited to go to the top of New York’s former World Trade Center and Chicago’s Sears Tower, back when they were the tallest skyscrapers in the…

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Zipping through the trees in Bali, Indonesia

This past summer I was alone with my two boys on holiday in Bali, Indonesia. We managed to squeeze in lots of fun things to do during our ten days there (see my earlier post ), but one of their favorites was the TreeTop Adventure  in northern Bali. This is a great adventure rope course,…

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