Author interview with Crime & Passion’s Chantel Rhondeau

Chantel Rhondeau is a talented writer of romantic suspense and one of my first critters over at the on-line critique group Critique Circle. Over at Critique Circle, I’ve been the beneficiary of all of Chantel’s helpful critiques, which have done so much to help me improve my work. And I’ve also had the chance to review…

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Author interview: Chantel Rhondeau

Okay, I have to be honest here from the start. I’m not a romance reader. Bare-chested men on book covers generally stop me from exploring the story within. And yet, here I am promoting a romance novel … complete with pectorals on display… and I really enjoyed this book. I became critique partners with Chantel…

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Be inspired! In the Shadow of the Apennines

Melinda Dozier , talented romance writer and wonderful critique partner, tagged me for this Blog Hop!, hosted by Page after Page . Thanks, Melinda!! As Page after Page points out, all of our stories come from somewhere, whether it be a dream, another book, a life event, etc. And as writers, we need to be…

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