The hairy deer of Columbus, Ohio

If you’ve visited Columbus, Ohio, chances are you’ve noticed the deer sculpture as you were crossing the Scioto River downtown.

This playful buck was created by artist Terry Allen. It was installed in 2015 when the entire riverwalk and park underwent a major renovation, and it’s become a popular place to snap a photo and to enjoy views over the city.

Columbus, Ohio/ Kimberly Sullivan

Apparently the artist was inspired for his project when he learned that the name of the river – Scioto – meant “hairy deer” in the local Native American language.

The bridge-dewlling buck is hanging out, leaning over the edge of the bridge’s rails and taking a break from his busy day to enjoy the skyline view alongside the tourists, but he’s not alone in Ohio’s capital.

Columbus, Ohio/ Kimberly Sullivan


There are three “hairy deer” hanging around the Scioto Riverwalk.

On my first visit, I didn’t realize the artist had created three deer statues, all at different points along the Scioto walkway.

One is hanging out people-watching and the other is lazing on the grass, sunbathing, suspiciously like city dwellers on weekends or tourists taking a break under the warming sun.

Columbus, Ohio/ Kimberly Sullivan

On my visit there last summer, I sought out the trio. Mission accomplished!

And I also learned there are two bucks and a doe.

When you’re next in Ohio, be sure to check hang out with the three Columbus deer.

Columbus, Ohio/ Kimberly Sullivan

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