Author interview with Time Changes Everything’s Melinda Dozier
I am very excited to announce the launch of Time Changes Everything, a romance novel by Melinda Dozier.
I’ve been faithfully following Melinda’s path to publication. Melinda has been one of my amazing critique partners for over a year, and I was so pleased when she informed me that the book I’d so enjoyed critiquing, Time Changes Everything, had been picked up by Entranced Publishing and became available on May 13.
Melinda is a busy working mom – of three boys! – living with her husband and children in beautiful Guatemala. Carving out time for writing in her busy schedule, how she came up with the idea for her story, how she markets and promotes her work, and how she sold her manuscript to her publisher are just some of the questions I’m anxious for Melinda to share with us as she celebrates her book launch.
But first, here’s the story of Time Changes Everything:
Amanda Larson is dedicated to her job and doesn’t want to make time for anything else. Until she runs into Jake Edwards. He used to be the cute boy next door; now he’s a sexy, big shot lawyer.
Jake Edwards isn’t interested in commitment. He’s successful, sexy, and single–and that’s how he likes it. When he reconnects with Amanda, Jake realizes he might have to rethink his philosophy on the carefree, bachelor lifestyle.
But, is it too late for them? Or can he convince her that he’s ready to give her his heart?
Congratulations, Melinda! I know how hard you’ve been working with this book. Congratulations on being a published author? Hi Kimberly! Thanks for having me. It’s a pleasure to be here with my amazing critique partner!
Where did you get the idea for your story? My characters just screamed at me to write their story. I have no idea where it stemmed from. I know nothing about NYC, leading fashion shows or being a lawyer. Funny, isn’t it? I did know that I love friends to lovers stories and that’s where this took off from.
How do you manage to carve out writing time? This is the hardest part of being a writer! It’s a full-time second job for me. I teach by day, write by night, plus mother and wife in between. My family has become accustomed to me spending a large amount of time at my computer.
What’s the story behind selling this book to Entranced? Any advice to authors trying to sell their work? Well, I visit the Romance University website frequently and heard there was a pitch contest from Entranced Publishing. Luckily I entered Time Changes Everything and the rest is history! My advice to authors are to try the different non-traditional routes of pitching your book — be it a Twitter pitch party or a contest. There are other ways to sell your book!
How do you handle marketing and promotion? Luckily, Entranced Publishing has an amazing Marketing Department. I have a publicist who has scheduled a blog tour at all my favorite romance blogs. I also stay tuned into Twitter (obsessively so) and Facebook. Authors shouldn’t just sit back and hope their book sells. Authors need to get out there and expose themselves.
What are you working on now? I’m happy to say my third novel, Breaking the Rules, will be released on July 8 from Crimson Romance. I’m also working on a sports-related romance novella anthology with three other authors that will hopefully be out the beginning of 2014.
Thanks for joining me, Melinda. I can’t wait to have you back for future books. My pleasure, Kimberly! Thanks for having me!
About the book:
Purchase links:
Book Trailer:
Author Bio
Reading romance has always been at the top of Melinda’s favorite past times. After hectic days of teaching English to middle school students, Melinda finds time to write and read in the evenings. She lives in Guatemala, Central America with her husband, three boys and German Shepherd. She enjoys being the queen of her household and dreams of being pampered fully by her boys once they are grown. Melinda loves reality TV, traveling, blogging and playing Words With Friends.
Good luck Melinda and congratulations for juggling it all and landing a book deal! I hope all goes well for ‘Time Changes Everything’ – it sounds as though you are in very good hands! Ciao cat
Great interview, ladies! So excited to read this book! Congratulations, Melinda!
Thanks for having me today! It’s a pleasure to be at your site!
Thanks, ladies, for your comments. Very exciting to host Melinda here… and can’t wait for the next book. Happy writing, Melinda!
[…] What a pleasure to have a return visit from talented – and prolific – romance author, Melinda Dozier. Full disclosure: Melinda just happens to be one of my fantastic critique partners, too. If you missed my author interview with Melinda on her first novel, Time Changes Everything, you can see it here. […]
[…] been a guest on my site before, with interesting author interviews when she released Time Changes Everything and Breaking The […]
[…] market, social media and much more. See my earlier author interviews with Melinda when she released Time Changes Everything and Breaking the […]