2018 – A happy new writing year to all!

A wonderful 2018 to everyone! But special wishes for a productive new writing year to all you writers out there! Usually, this is my time to make writing resolutions for the new year. Until now, I’ve also been pretty good about keeping my resolutions. But 2017 flummoxed me. I did very little (creative) writing, and…

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A happy writing New Year!

How on earth does it happen each year? 2017 already! To all you writers out there, now that the champagne bubbles have gone flat and the fireworks and holiday parties are only a faint memory, now’s the time to buckle down and start a new writing year with enthusiasm. I know that I’m one of those…

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What are your 2016 writing resolutions?

This has become a bit of a tradition for me – perhaps I’ve figured out a way how to hold myself accountable for my writing schedule. Each year, I set myself writing goals … and up until now I’ve pretty much stuck to schedule. Let’s see if I can keep this up for 2016… Of…

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What are your 2015 writing goals?

Happy New Year! 2015 is already upon us, we’ve slept off all the food and champagne, and it seems a good time for those of us to love to write to set our writing goals/resolutions for the new year. Last year I posted my writing goals for 2014. I’ve – ahem! – somewhat achieved them.…

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Happy 2014! And those writing resolutions?

Best wishes for a Very Happy New Year to everyone! The new year is always the time to reflect on what we’d like to achieve in the coming year. And, writers, if you’re masochists  like me, it’s a good time to start considering your writing goals for the next year. The ball has dropped, the…

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