Mozart in Venice…

Mozart in Venice / Kimberly Sullivan

I was in Venice this past February, during Carnival. As always when in Venice, the best part of the visit is to wander the winding streets around La Serenissima and to climb the countless bridges over picturesque canals. It was on one of these mapless wanderings on this last visit that we bumped into this…

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Stunning Scuola Grande di San Rocco in Venice

Scuola Grande do San Rocco, Venice / Kimberly Sullivan

On my last visit to Venice last month, I returned to a magical place – the Scuola Grande di San Rocco. This was founded in 1458, as part of the networks of “Scuole” that existed in the Venice of the time. To grace the grand halls of this space, Venetian painter Tintoretto was commissioned to…

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On this Mardi Gras, celebrating Venice’s Carnival

Venice Carnival / Kimberly Sullivan

I’ve just returned from visiting Venice during Carnival season … and since today we’re already celebrating Mardi gras (thanks to a super-early Easter this year), I’d better post about Carnival before the more serious Lenten season begins… It has been years – decades, really – since I visited Venice during the Carnival season, but I’m…

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Padova’s spectacular San Antonio Basilica

San Antonio Basilica, Padova, Italy / Kimberly Sullivan

This past winter, my son and I took a few weekend trips to Padova, in Italy’s northern Veneto region. It was also a great opportunity to see the Sant Antonio basilica once again. This spectacular basilica was constructed beginning in 1232, a year following the death of St Anthony. It was completed in 1310. Like…

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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas … in Verona

Verona, Italy / Kimberly Sullivan

Fitting for a Saint Nicholas Day post that we start taking a look at Christmas decorations. This day (or 8 December – The Immaculate Conception) is when many Italian towns begin decorating their centers – although the date is constantly being pushed earlier. Luckily for us, the decorations were up at the start of December…

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Palladian splendor in Vicenza, Italy

Vicenza, Italy / Kimberly Sullivan

I adore the northern small city of Vicenza, in Italy’s Veneto region. I first came here many years ago, and had not been back in years. When my youngest son had a cross-country race nearby, I jumped on the change to get back and visit this jewelbox of a town. I was not disappointed to…

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