Posts Tagged ‘author advice’
Books need secrets, too
“I think books should have secrets, like people do.” —John Updike Love this quote by American novelist John Updike. Authors – take note! We readers do not need every plot point and character insight spelled out for us – a little mystery that allows us to interpret stories or character motivation is greatly appreciated by…
Read MoreThe art of observation
“For me, silence had always been another form of communication. After all, you can tell so much just by looking at a person.” —Herta Müller I love this quote by contemporary Romanian-born German author Herta Müller. And it’s true that writers have to make an art of this, observing people and trying to glean from these…
Read MoreWomen’s fiction vs romance. One author’s discovery
In this very informative post on the Writer’s Digest site, romance author Linda Goodnight discovered, once she submitted a story proposal to her editors, that her story was not romance but women’s fiction. In this post, Women’s Fiction or Romance? The Differences, and 5 Reasons Why They Matter, Goodnight explores the differences between the genres. As…
Read MoreTake pride in what you wrote – because you wrote it
“The stories weren’t brilliant. But I wrote them, I began and ended them.” -Joy Williams Love this sentiment from Joy Williams, an American novelist and short story writer I admit I didn’t know when I read this quote. I like this idea of taking pride in your work – not just your best work, but…
Read MoreThe “perfection” of first drafts
“Every first draft is perfect. Because all a first draft has to do is exist. Jane Smiley Love these wise words from talented author Jane Smiley. It’s a new year, and you probably have been mulling over your writing goals (dare I call them resolutions?) for the year ahead. What a nice way to keep…
Read MoreWriting advice from Jane Smiley
“Writing is only one word at a time.” -Jane Smiley Is there any better advice for a writer? And even better coming from the talented novelist Jane Smiley. As writers know all too well, there are no shortcuts. It’s all about sitting yourself down in a chair and pounding out the words. Some days they’ll…
Read MoreBeyond the idea…
“But the truth is, it’s not the idea, it’s never the idea, it’s always what you do with it.” Neil Gaiman I recently read (and loved) this quote from author Neil Gaiman. Gaiman, whose work spans such a wide range of genres and age categories, surely knows a thing or two about how to…
Read MoreThe devil’s in the details
“Making people believe the unbelievable is no trick; it’s work … Belief and reader absorption come in the details: An overturned tricycle in the gutter of an abandoned neighborhood can stand for everything. Or a broken billboard. Or weeds growing in the cracks of a library’s steps. … The details are always the starting place in…
Read MoreMaking room for your writing
This helpful article was in the last issue of Writer’s Digest. Its author is the women’s fiction novelist Amy Sue Nathan, who also hosts the popular Women’s Fiction Writers blog. Nathan offers some helpful insight into how to carving out time and space for your writing, even in the midst of the overwhelming demands of…
Read MoreBest websites for writers
Writer’s Digest came out with their annual list of the best web sites for writers. Many of my favorites made the list. Others I didn’t know of, but will have to explore. Here are some of the sites I enjoy that made this year’s list, and hope other writers will find useful: Nathan Bransford :…
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