Wroclaw, Poland from up on high
The first thing I do whenever I visit any city new to me is discover the highest point so that I can ascend it and see the views from on high.
In a modern Americam city, that will be a skyscraper. In European centers, that will generally be a medieval belltower.
So when my husband and I visited the picturesque Polish town of Wrcolaw for then first time earlier this year, it wasn’t strange that we quickly found our way to the closest medieval belltower to enjoy gorgeous views over the old town.
St Elizabeth’s Church tower, on the edge of the Market Square, offers spectacular views. The tower measures a little over 91 metres and you will need to climb 304 steps to reach the top. Those stairs are incredibly narrow, with only a tiny handrail to guide you. If you’re claustrophobic, I’d sit this one out – and believe me, I once held the hand of a higjly claustrophobic young woman who had a panic attack halfway through a belltower ascent and clung on to me – a complete stranger – to see her safely up to the top. A rather unique travel experience. : )
But if you’re not claustrophobic and have comfortable shoes – go for it. The views are more than worth it!
Observing the large market square (the second largest in Poland, after Krakow) and the whole city gives you a clear idea of the city’s layout.
We were so incredibly fortunate to have a clear, sunny day in March – not always a give in Poland in late winter.
The whole day exploring Wroclaw was fabulous, but I especially appreciated getting those views from then top so early on on the day to better appreciate our wanderings in the city.
Come armed with good shoes on your next trip to Wroclaw. And enjoy those stunning views!