A Rome ghost town in Lockdown

I’ve been living in Rome for years, and I’ve never seen it a deserted as it’s been the past week.

For just over a week now, we’ve been in lockdown from the corona virus.

Lockdown was gradual.

Rome, Italy/ Kimberly Sullivan
Maybe you recognize the top of that monument …

First it was school kids at home, then most workers were shifted to teleworking.

Soon restaurants, shops, theatres, cinemas, hair salons, gyms, sports facilities, and shopping malls shut down. Cafes could be open, but only until 6 pm.

Parks were closed and police patrols began. Now, people should only be going out to go to the supermarket, let in in small numbers and staying at least a meter apart.

Rome, Italy/ Kimberly Sullivan

#Iorestoacasa (I’m staying home) is the trending hashtag.

Hardly exciting, but necessary to slow the spread of this virus. Obviously, we’re all eager to do what we can to be able to resume normal life once again.

Rome, Italy/ Kimberly Sullivan

In the meantime, it takes some getting used to this quiet Rome, with almost no cars, few people on the streets, utter silence at night and fresh, country air.

While not many would lament the better quality of air, I think we all agree that we want our old Rome back.

Rome, Italy/ Kimberly Sullivan
Rome, Italy/ Kimberly Sullivan


  1. wordfoolery on March 17, 2020 at 11:44 am

    Strange times indeed. Glad to hear you’re doing OK, despite the strange quiet of Roma. Similar here in Ireland although we can still go for a walk if we keep away from others. We’re trying to learn from Italy’s experience. Be well.

    • kimberlysullivan on March 17, 2020 at 10:02 pm

      Thanks, Grace! And agreed – very strange times. Happy St Patrick’s Day! In solidarity (and due to the fact that we are housebound), we won’t be celebrating either. Stay safe, and let’s hope better times are ahead…
      Send a little Irish luck our way. : )

  2. Passport Overused on March 17, 2020 at 1:29 pm

    Great post 😁

  3. Claire 'Word by Word' on March 17, 2020 at 10:06 pm

    First day of total confinement here too, quite morbid, at least the birds are singing and the buds are sprouting.

    • kimberlysullivan on March 19, 2020 at 11:51 am

      Good luck, Claire! I agree it makes it harder with beautiful spring on its way. Hope you and your family are well … and that you’ve compiled a great stack of books to help get you through it. : ) Stay safe.

      • Claire 'Word by Word' on March 19, 2020 at 12:30 pm

        I’m happy that I planted flowers early this year, so at least I can see them and tend to them and watch the buds begin to change.
        My stack keeps changing as I read some for research, some for pleasure and some because they’ve been half read for too long! You too, hope you managed to keep a few entertaining books aside for now.

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