Authors – are you dedicated to content marketing?
Literary agent Rachelle Gardner had an excellent post on her blog entitled ‘What the heck is content marketing?’
Content marketing may sound like a confusing term, but it really means attracting loyal readers to the content on your blog and social media. Writers should find this easy, since they love to write for wide audiences. If readers love your books, it’s natural that they’ll seek you out on your blog or social media to see what additional content you have to share.
If you’re writing about what you love, chances are you are sharing information about your content anyway. If cooking works its way into your writing – share your favotite recipes. If your protagonist is an avid hiker, share your mountain tips or research you did for your story.
If readers loved your work, chances are they’ll like to learn about the background that went into your writing.
Even if they don’t know the marketing lingo, this is something writers should be naturally gifted at, and it helps to build up an avid and interested/targeted reading public.
What do you think, authors? Do you (intentionally or unwittingly) engage in content marketing in your blog or social media? Any experience or tips to share?
I’m interested in this but only starting to dip my toes into the water. I’m researching Tudor era history for my next novel and some interesting historic phrases will show up in my word blog. I think the only limit is a) time and b) your imagination.