Wishing you a spectacular reading & writing 2023!

New Year, New reading and writing goals.

I always love looking ahead to an exciting new year in books. Every year, I set up a Goodreads challenge, and – as that year ends – I love to look back over the books I read during the course of the year.

For 2023, I’ve set a goal for 45 books. I often read more than that, but with the need to write my own work and to read, and re-read, and re-re-read my own manuscripts and to beta read those of friends, I prefer to maintain some wiggle room.

As for writing goals, I like to set those up at the start of the year, to hold myself accountable.


I’m now finalizing my first short story collection, all edited, proofread and endlessly reviewed by me at each stage. Now it needs cover design and formating to get it ready for early reviews on NetGalley before its launch in May.

I’m also close to the end of my dual timeline novel set in modern-day and 1890s Rome, and centered around a noble palace in the Eternal City. January and February will be dedicated to lots of edits and beta reads, then I’ll get it out for editing – with the hopes of publishing in autumn 2023.

On the horizon are two books I’d like to plan for 2024, a sequel to my debut novel, Three Coins, and a triple timeline novel I’m researching now. I’ve been digging into old newspapers and reading books on Italy’s Fascist era, with an eye to sports at the time. The research has been facsinating, but I still have lots to do before I start writing this one later this year. Know I’m already fascinated by the subject, however, so I can anticipate that will be a lot of fun.

And how about you, readers and writers? Have you set your 2023 goals? What are you most excited about?

Wishing you all a great start to a happy 2023 – filled with plenty of enjoyable reading and writing!

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