Want four steps to better (and happier) writing productivity?
Over at the fabulous Writers in the Storm blog – an essential destination for any writer – women’s fiction author Jamie Raintree offers us her advice on Four steps to happy writing productivity.
What writer doesn’t want to boost productivity, while also increasing his or her happiness index? At least my experience with high writing productivity leads to the opposite – falling behind with friends and family, not taking home as much work for my day job and thus falling further behind, getting out of every social invitation extended to me in exchange for those extra hours behind the computer, giving up way too much sleep.
So, why not take a look to see how these four steps can maximize my happy writing productivity?
Raintree suggests four steps: Plan, Trust, Forgive, and Track.
Planning doesn’t have to be elaborate. It’s just coming up with your writing goals for the week – scenes you’d like to finalize, what you’d like to achieve. Trust is tied into planning – ensuring that the writing time will present itself and that you’ll go forward with that ever-important plan you’ve developed.
Forgive will be understood by any writer. The best laid plans of mice and men… BUT if things don’t work out exactly as we’ve planned, forgiveness is key to moving out of that writing rut.
I’m not sure how I feel about Track. I know where I am without a writing progress spreadsheet. I feel uneasy about my work life slipping into my writing life with elaborate charts and plans, but that could just be me. I know people who love tracking their progress… so knock yourself out and track those word counts.
So, writers, here’s to our tips for our happy writing productivity! If these work, we should be the Bhutan of the happy, productive writers’ community.
Now I know how you are so productive. Thanks for showing your human side. I always look forward to your blogs.
Hi, Robin! Great to hear from you. How’s life back in the US? Missed you at Matera – any chance you’ll be back this year? Hope your writing year is starting out well!