Rush hour traffic jam…in Wyoming

Yellowstone National Park, buffaloThis summer I was out in the western United States, enjoying the beauty of Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park.

Part of the fun of these vacations is unplugging entirely from the hectic pace of daily life, and-in my case-the chaos of the city in which I live, Rome.

Nothing says “Slow down” better than these wildlife creatures when they decide to cross the park roads throughout the day.

Yellowstone National Park, buffaloAnd you know what? It doesn’t matter how much of a hurry you’re in. When the American bison (buffalo) decides that he or she is going to cross the road, you’re not going anywhere.

Weighing in at up to 1000 kilos/2200 pounds, one of these creatures will total your car (let alone you) with remarkable ease.

So there’s nothing to do until this massive creature takes his sweet time crossing over the road.

Yellowstone National Park, buffaloLuckily, if you’re out here enjoying the nature of these beautiful national parks, you’re in no rush to get from point A to point B. So sit back, relax,  and enjoy nature’s show.

I’ll take restless buffalo over the stress of driving amidst reckless Italian drivers all in a hurry any day.

Enjoy Wyoming’s traffic jams on your next trip out west!


  1. Catherine on September 24, 2014 at 7:00 am

    Sounds a little like the kangaroo situation in Australia, although they coming springing into your car!

  2. kimberlysullivan on September 24, 2014 at 8:09 am

    Ha! THAT I want to see! My younger son has a teacher from Australia, and he comes back with tons of kangaroo stories. Seems we’ll have to hop on a plane and go see for ourselves one of these days. : ) Speaking of which – have a great trip down under. I’ll miss you in Matera, though… : (

  3. evelyneholingue on September 26, 2014 at 6:55 am

    Woah! Impressive! I’ve crossed the path of bears, deers, coyotes, foxes, and cows in the Sierra mountains and foothills, but we don’t have buffalos there so I need to go check on them someday. Fun post, Kimberly.

    • kimberlysullivan on September 29, 2014 at 5:18 pm

      Wow! Still quite an impressive array of wildlife you have there. Far more exotic than back in Paris (or Rome). : ) But yes, the buffalo can’t help but make an impression…

  4. […] more Wyoming information, see my earlier posts about Wyoming rush hour and a hike around picturesque Phelps […]

  5. […] For some of my other Yellowstone tips, see my posts on Hiking the Mystic Falls trail, Yellowstone and Wyoming’s rush hour traffic. […]

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