I joined the new Women’s Fiction Writers Association

Women's Fiction Writer's AssociationI learned about this association on a blog I follow, author Amy Nathan’s excellent Women’s fiction writers blog. Amy, author of the soon-to-be-released The Glass Wives, posts lots of great author interviews for authors writing women’s fiction. Her site is a tremendous resource for those interested in the genre.

It’s through one of Amy’s posts – Much ado about women’s fiction – that I learned of the newly created Women’s Fiction Writers Association.

The new association is an email loop at this point, discussing many topics of interest to writers of women’s fiction, including what women’s fiction is and what is it not. Through the discussion, authors share their projects and writing goals, questions, and resources.

The e-mail list is not a place for promotion. We do enough of this on our sites and social media, so I’m happy to forgo this in this group.

The new group promotes itself as “an inclusive organization of writers who create stories about a woman’s emotional journey.” Its Founding Team Leader, Laura Drake, describes its objectives with the following:

“The need is for an organization dedicated to women’s fiction. Whether the stories are contemporary or historical; literary or commercial; include a dash of romance, a heap of romance or none at all; the stories all have one common thread—they are about a woman’s emotional journey.

A new organization—Women’s Fiction Writers Association—is being launched to fill the need. It will be an inclusive community of career-focused women’s fiction writers with networking, education and support at every step in their career path.”

To join the email loop and be part of the conversation, contact Laura Drake at Laura_drake1123 [@] yahoo [dot] com”

I just joined this association and I’ve enjoyed following the discussions. I’m proud to be part of a supportive and collaborative network of authors and I hope some of you women’s fiction authors out there will take a look at it, too!


  1. chillcat on February 22, 2013 at 9:26 am

    I love Amy’s site and appeared on it twice – she is so welcoming and encouraging. I read about this initiative and then promptly forgot about it! Too much on my plate right and I’m sneaking in a read about Pope scandals.. Thanks for the reminder and I’ll be signing up too – it’s so good to connect with other authors. Xcat

  2. kimberlysullivan on February 24, 2013 at 7:31 pm

    Hi Catherine! I saw – and loved- your last interview on Amy’s site. I’m really glad they set up this group, since I think it’s incredibly helpful to share information in this rapidly changing market. Love all the collaboration between authors of women’s fiction. Ha. National elections followed by papal elections – our cup runneth over. : )

  3. Julia on February 25, 2013 at 8:30 pm

    Kimberly: I read your story “Bitter Harvest” and really enjoyed it. I love how you set the scenes, the landscapes, the tension and the conflict. Very well done. I couldn’t stop it till I got to the end. Great job!

  4. Faye North on February 28, 2013 at 5:53 pm

    I’ve joined too – see you on the loop!

  5. kimberlysullivan on March 1, 2013 at 8:20 am

    Oh, fantastic, Faye! So glad you’ve joined, too. And judging from their nice, new site, they have some interesting big plans on the way (a conference, writing contests, pitch contests). Happy I’ll be seeing you on the loop!

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